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My 10K Apart entry: Filterrific My entry for the 10K Apart contest is now up. It's a small image manipulation app showing some of the same functionality available in my Pixastic library, but this time squeezed into a 10K web app. Check it out and be sure to vote! Cheers.

⇓ 6 comments Alan Ayoub

Very impressive, I was hoping you were going to enter something! Good work.

August 22, 2010 at 11:58 PM
Beben Koben

new theme in here...
its cool...^^

August 28, 2010 at 1:41 AM

Toutes les marque Tee Shirt ED Hardy sont originales et directement de l usine. Toutes les Pas cher tee shirts sont 30-70% de remise et livraison gratuite. wish you have a nice day!:)

May 13, 2011 at 11:53 PM

mieux après trois années d'évaluation et de développement, ce désir de cette célébration fièrement dévoilé pourrait être le Monster Beats Tour Aujourd'hui, nous allons peut-être l'exploitation de ces écouteurs au moyen de quelques pistes audio différentes tâches communes aux utilisateurs finaux PC de décider si elles résident en tant que considérablement tout le battage médiatique et la fanfare qui a entouré ce produit.

June 18, 2011 at 1:21 AM


A small image manipulation app in less than 10Kb using the canvas element. Doodle on the picture or mess around with a selection of filters and effects.

Satellite Communication Systems

June 23, 2013 at 2:01 AM
Legal Herbal Online

I taught my class to make mothers day card quite similar to this one. Alot of creativity shown by the kids and hopefully their moms love them. They spent lotsa effort in making those cards as well.Quality iBeacons Online

May 15, 2014 at 9:35 PM
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